Creating Products in Your Artist Shop

Before you start, check out all the products available for your Artist Shop in the Artist Shop Gallery.

Login to your Threadless account and select  Dashboard from the dropdown menu. To add designs to your Shop, select Create a Product from the Artist Shop tab.

Step 1: Upload Your File 

To create a Product, you'll need the following items handy:
  • Primary Image File Your design file needs to be at least 2000 x 2000 pixels  JPG  PNG. Upload your design and once you see 'Success', you're good to move to the next step.
  • Product Title  Select a name for your design. Remember, this is what your customers call your design. It is editable if you change your mind!
  • Design Background Color  Click on the box to use the Color Picker to find your desired 6 digit Color Hex Color code. This is color is used as a background for transparent files and only impacts how the design is displayed on the Homepage, catalog, and product page when not shown on a product. For Wall Art, this is used for the printed background if the file is transparent or below the file size recommendation. Pick a color that highlights your design, and doesn't cause any details to be lost. In other words, if your design is mostly white, don't choose a  white background.
  • Mature Content  Using your best judgment, select whether or not your design contains Mature Content. This is required and will be used to help customers search for specifically or omit mature images while searching the Threadless marketplace. Any mature content that is not flagged appropriately or violates our Terms of Service may be subject to removal. 

Once you've successfully uploaded your design, named it something awesome, and selected your background color, you're ready to add your product to your Shop. 

Step 2: Choose What Products to Sell

In the " Add Apparel, Home and Accessories' section, you can choose the Products and Apparel Colors you'd like your design on. Choose from 'Apparel', 'Home', 'Accessories''Bucketfeet Shoes', 'Women's Leggings', 'Duffle Bags', and 'Backpack' product options.

If you'd like all styles in a category, simply click on 'Select All' to select all available styles in Mens, Womens, Kids, Home, and/or Accessories.

Apparel Files & Print Locations

This step lets you pick additional design placements for selected apparel. You'll be able to add Front Crest PrintsBack Prints, or replace the Primary File with an Alternate Front Image for front and back prints for certain apparel styles. See our Alternative Print locations doc for additional info. 

Garment Colors

Colors are sorted into color categories showing the general color options available  ("Yellow", "Green", "Black"). Select the checkbox for as many or as few colors as you'd like. Keep in mind, not all products are available in each color category. All available styles in your selected color(s) will be added.

In the Add Product section of your Artist Dashboard, you can find the option to select Front, Back, or Crest Prints in Apparel Files & Print Locations under Apparel. From here, set up your apparel print files and choose which print location options you want to offer.

Keep in mind, that the default will still be the Primary design file and print placement on any products where alternative print locations are unavailable.

In the ' Add Cut & Sew T-Shirts', 'Add Socks''Add Shoes',''Add Women's Leggings', 'Add Duffle Bag' and 'Add Backpack' sections, you'll need to upload the specific template for those products. However, they can be added after products are created. The templates can be downloaded either from the product drop-down menu or from our Template FAQ here

Once you have your Product Title added, Primary Image File uploaded (and/or template files added), Background Color, and Product Styles selected, you'll need to confirm that you have the right to sell products with that image and that the Artwork is in compliance with our Safety and Anti-Hate Policy. Once that is confirmed you can click  Create Products to add your Design to your Artist Shop!

Step 3: Product Overview

Overview See a quick view of the Categories, Styles, and Colors that you added to your design. Click on the specific heading Men's, Women's, Kids, Home, and Accessories to see a complete view of those categories. 

Product Description Add a description that tells your customers about your design. Max 500 characters.

Product Meta Description Add a description of the web page for search engines like Google to help improve click rates to your Shop.  

Collaborators Add collaborators to share a percentage of artist earnings for this design.

Tags  Enter keywords in the 'Add new tag' field and hit 'Add Tag' to add them to your design and maximize your product searchability

Avoid tags that have the product style or don't have anything to do with the design, and here are a few ways to think of great tags:

  • What words/terms would customers search to find your work? 
  • What are the elements or words in this design? bears, astronauts, cats, pizza
  • Who would wear it (aka. who would be looking for it?) skateboarders, campers, kids 
  • What is the design style or does the art use certain techniques? illustration, photography, watercolor, line art, mixed media
  • What imagery or colors are used in the design? floral, outer space, geometric, pop culture, blue, NASA
  • Use variations of words that are interchangeable like dog, doggo, puppy, pooch, fido, bow wow, man's best friend 

Scroll down until you see the tabs Men's, Women's, Kids, Home,  and Accessories. You'll see images of your design on each style and color selected. Hover over the Active Colors to see how your design looks on each color blank. See one you don't like? Simply hit the red 'X' on that color to remove it as an option. Add as many or as few colors as you see fit. 

Step 4: Publish Your Product

Once your products are set, your design looks amazing, and your tags are on point, the time has come to make your product live. From the Product Edit page, toggle ' Publish Product' to 'ON' to add your design to your Shop. Select 'View Product' to see your Product live in your Shop!

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